The current Sisters community

Sister Maria Daniela Gabor SMCB, Mother Superior
Mother Superior M. Daniela has headed our convent in Jerusalem since 2008. She represents our community in official matters ad extra and is in authority of the monastic administration. As a skilled educator, she is also the director of our kindergarten. Together with the other sisters of our monastery, Mother Superior meets the challenge to manage the ongoing, extensive renovation of our guesthouse, which is more than 120 years old.

Sister Maria Aurelia Dam SMCB
Sister M. Aurelia's domain is the monastery kitchen. As a former housekeeper in a physician's family and in a parsonage, she takes care of the physical well-being of her con-sisters and our guests, who absolutely appreciate her cookery. In addition to traditional German food, you can also find oriental dishes on her menu, so that all wishes and tastes could mostly be satisfied.

Sister Maria Emiliana Benchea SMCB
Sister M. Emiliana takes care of the pilgrims and guests in our dinning room. She is responsible for all preparations, that are necessary for the unobstructed organisation of the daily dishes. In addition, Sr. M. Emiliana is in charge of the volunteers: together with those who those who work in the German Hospice voluntarily, she arranges the service schedules. Furthermore, many of our guests enjoy listening to her playing of the German flute.

Sister Maria Feliciana Dumea SMCB
Sister M. Feliciana is primarily in charge of the community's management and business issues and thus supports Mother Superior. Moreover, she sees about the chapel and works in the sisters laundry. Due to her high commitment and competence, she copes with really various tasks. Finally, she can also impress her con-sisters and guests by playing the German flute.

Sister Maria Magdalena Sudah SMCB
As former director of our girls school and as a Palestinian, Sister M. Magdalena has been closly connected to our Jerusalem convent for decades. In 2013 she could celebrate her 60th anniversary of profession in our chapel. Her services and her engagement is still in demand, e.g. in assistance at our reception desk or in preparation of the meals for her con-sisters.

Sister Maria Valentina Grosu SMCB
Thanks to Sister M. Valentina our guesthouse and reception works without any kind of troubles. She handles the booking requests as well as the correspondence with our guests and always tries to fulfil all their wishes and demands. Moreover, she participates in important managment meetings and decisions within our convent. She daily coordinated the cleaning staff, too. Finally she selects the songs and music for the prayers and masses in our chapel. There, she plays the organ.

Sister Maria Vincentia Fechet SMCB
Since the summer of 2013, Sister M. Vincentia has been a member of our convent in Jerusalem. Her assistance in our kitchen disburdens Sister. M. Aurelia in her preperation of the meals. Due to her operational readiness and commitment in lots of different work areas, she has already become irreplacebale for our community in the Holy Land.
German Hospice St. Charles Jerusalem - Lloyd George Street 12, 91080 Jerusalem, Israel - Tel. 00972 2 5637737 - info@german-hospice.de