Our Kindergarten
In order to be in touch with the local people and to accompany them in their everyday life, we have run our own kindergarten since 1989. With our work there, we can especially turn towards the domestic children and their education.
A German institution placed in the heart of Jerusalem
Together with Arab teachers, we prepare about 140 children - mainly girls - for school. Based on their age, our 3 till 6 year olds attend four different groups, which are led by two kindergarten workers each. There, the little ones learn to read and to write, to count and to do basic arithmetic. Furthermore, they can explore first skills in music and gymnastics through play.

The start into a top-class education
The children are taught in German, English, and their native tongue, the Palestinian dialect of Arabic: An important prerequisite for a qualification to the Schmidt's Girls College (SGC) in Eastern Jerusalem, a well-respected German school abroad with which we cooperate closely. Therefore, the preschool preparations in our house can open the path to profound education that even culminates in the Abitur, the German university-entrance diploma.
Our kindergarten is also funded by many national and international donations that are brought together through our friends' association. In addition, some of the income of our guesthouse is used for this social commitment as well. Thank you for that support.
St. Charles Kindergarten - Lloyd George Street 12, 91080 Jerusalem, Israel - Tel. 00972 2 5637737 - kindergarten@german-hospice.de