Our friends' association
Thanks to our friends' association Förderverein St. Charles Convent, which is located in Munich (Germany), and many international donators, we are fortunately able to realise a variety of important projects on our spot. The donations are mainly used for our own kindergarten (Key word: "Kindergarten"). These are the data of our bank account:
Account holder: Foerderverein St. Charles Convent
Bank name: Liga Bank, Munich
IBAN: DE04 7509 0300 0002 2150 47
Contact person in Germany: Mr. Alfred Repsys
We thank you in advance for any support and donation. If you wish to obtain a donation receipt, please provide your name and full address.
German Hospice St. Charles Jerusalem - Lloyd George Street 12, 91080 Jerusalem, Israel - Tel. 00972 2 5637737 - info@german-hospice.de