„Laetare Jerusalem - Rejoice Jerusalem..
- 2024/03/10 -
Our hope for God's
attention and his strengthening closeness becomes even more intense. He reveals
himself to us as healing, close to us and caring.
Margret Schäfer-Krebs
summarises this as follows:
"Lord Jesus
you showed your love
and mercy to the sick and weak.
In your presence they
were able to breathe and draw new hope.
Through you, they found
healing, peace and reconciliation.
Lord, we ask you to be
with us here too.
Let us feel your hand
of blessing and grant us your salvation.
Give us patience and
strength to get through this time.
Do not let us despair.
Help us to use our time
for good words and gestures of love.
Open our eyes and our
hearts to your miracles..."
German Hospice St. Charles Jerusalem - Lloyd George Street 12, 91080 Jerusalem, Israel - Tel. 00972 2 5637737 - info@german-hospice.de